

In this video, I speak on how weight loss as been a struggle until I decided to adopt it as a lifestyle change in 2017. I also shared 3 momentum that I noticed along my journey.

I’ve lost a total of 18lbs and counting. My goal now it so maintain my current weight.

Some of the things I did are:

1) Sign up for a gym

2) Take lunch walks (1mile a day minimum)

3) Plan errands around walkable distances

4) Track meal intake with My Fitness Pal/ Portion Meals

5) Find swallow alternatives (reduce carbs) – link to purchase Psyllium Husk Power

6) Workout Buddy (Accountability)

Please share your thoughts on weight loss, struggles and/or share your goals if you have any pertaining to losing weight.

Favorite segments 0:481:55, 7:007:55, & 7:568:15



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  1. Congrats! Working toward losing weight for my wedding and I feel like using the calorie trackers make such a difference

  2. These are all great tips! Accountability partners are great for so many things, fitness especially!!

  3. These are great tips 😀 I find that reducing carbs help me so much! PS: You look amazing!

  4. I have tried so many times with weight loss, but you are right it has to be a lifestyle change. I have managed to do this unintentionally really, and seem to have managed to do ok. I do need to sort some parts out though and this has given me the kick I needed.

  5. All very great tips! I park as far from the building as possible at work and I take the stairs to another floor when I need to use the restroom.

  6. I totally agree that you need to work fitness into a lifestyle change rather than thinking that it’s a separate activity. Making it a habit is key!

  7. Beautiful darling. We can choose to get on a fad and a kick to “see” how it turns out, or we can make real systemic, positive change from he inside out by way of consistent action. Your story and journey are beautiful, and so are you! <3 Evelyn, PathofPresence.com

  8. Great tips! I definitely have trouble implementing a fitness routine into my day so I’ll be sure to follow these steps and hopefully I’ll be able to make a great change as well!

  9. Congratulations on your weghtloss journey! I am trying to eat healthy and do go to the gym as often as I can as well. I have just returned from a holiday in which I walked 25,000 steps every day, and I am trying to keep that number up since I returned home.

  10. I think these are great steps to take. Last year I lost 2 stone by doing leslie sansone Dvd’s and cutting carbs by 90%, My main evening meal was some form of protien with steamed veg. The weight seemed to drop off veryr fast for me with this combination! The walk breaks are a really good idea!

  11. First, let me say Congratulations on losing 18lbs. I don’t know what your goal weight is but that is a lot to lose. I’ve struggled with my weight all my life until like you I decided to make working out and eating for my body type a lifetime commitment.

    I always wore my weight well so it was hard to tell how much I weighed. I always sporty and I enjoyed seasonal activities. But your body does change as you get older and with it can come weight gain.

    What has worked for me to increase my meal intake ( which I love because I love to eat) put on muscle and workout in the morning.

    1. Thanks Jacqueline, yes it was very hard and discouraging at first but once I found what works, I stuck with it. Funny thing is now it doesn’t seem like a weight loss but rather a journey! I have to simply increase my water intake. Good luck!

  12. Loads of good tips there. I find a workout buddy can help so much. It really does help keep me motivated and work out longer too.

  13. This is great advice for making fitness part of your lifestyle. I like the idea of a 1 mile a day walk that is a great way to add a workout to your day.

  14. Well done for losing that weight! That’s awesome. These are really fab tips too, especially the idea of regular lunch walks! x

    1. Yes, that was the most successful for me and I doing that, I found that I dont have to go to the gym as much. Win Win

  15. Kudos on losing 10 lbs. i never struggle(d) with my with my weight but my goal this year is to get my digestive system working well, i struggle with constipation but its getting better now since i started eating foods high in fibre and drinking more water.

  16. I think having a workout buddy is so important! It definitely helps me more when I am accountable to someone or have arranged to meet them at the gym

  17. Congratulations on your weight loss journey and for accomplishing the goal. Thank you for sharing this and for the advice to make fitness part of your lifestyle.

  18. The most important/motivation thing I have found is to have some accountability, whether that be your friends, an app, or a blog post listing your goals. At the moment, I need to get into fitness a bit more so I can have strong muscles to push this baby out! But I’m finding motivation when I’m already knackered 24/7 is difficult to muster.

    1. I understand and thats why walking was the most successful plan for me! It was much easy to do that than going to the gym honestly. You just have to be committed, identify what works for you and stick with it!

  19. Congratulations! Losing weight is not really difficult if we commit to achieving our goals. I really do not have to lose weight. I just need to maintain my current weight. It is my daughter that needs to shed some pounds. I will be sharing this article with her.

  20. Wow! I’m incredibly inspired by your journey and how great you did! Your list is a lot like mine – only my follow through could use more work. I know that struggle really well too. And I do know (and am currently working on understanding) that it’s a lifestyle change. So exciting for you!

  21. I used to love having a workout buddy as it rarely meant that I cancelled classes or anything as I’d have to own up to someone x

  22. I like the idea of setting a goal of a walk every lunchtime, that’s such a good way to stay focussed.

  23. Great tips. I always like to try and walk as much as I can as well. It was hard with the bad weather recently though!

  24. I’m trying to lose the last 10 pounds of my baby weight! These are great tips and I’m going to get back on track!! Thanks for the inspo!

  25. Lunch walks and a workout buddy were my top two!! LOVED having someone with me going through the same thing so that we could encourage each other and hold each other accountable. I also tried out the keto diet, which I loved and saw a lot of success from!

    1. Yes… those are a great top two to have. I tried Keto Diet as well and adopted some of it but the idea of consuming fats just didnt work for me. Glad you find it helpful!

  26. Well done for achieving your weight loss. Your plan is great and you are totally right in saying that you need to make it a lifestyle change ratger than a fast weight loss.

  27. Fitness definitely is a lifestyle change. It is critical to remember when you’re starting a workout routine and new way of eating, it’s got to be forever. Not just until you lose what you want.

  28. Congrats on the weight loss. Keep up the great work. I think you are absolutely correct that one needs to look at this as a lifestyle change in order to be successful at dropping those pounds.

  29. Congratulations! I’m waiting until the weather gets a little warmer so that I can start taking lunch time walks again too!

  30. I recently started being more active and this video really gave me an extra push that I needed this week! It truly has to be a lifestyle change and it isn’t easy to adjust to. I love food so much that it has been such a struggle staying committed but I am slowly realizing how worth it it is to change to a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for this!

  31. Great steps for weight lost and congrats on your lifestyle change. Walking during your lunch break is a great way to increase fitness x

    1. I would say do what works for you. If you are not self motivated to joining the gym take long walks around the park or during lunch. Make sure you have an accountability partner who is equally invested in losing weight. Good luck

  32. Having a workout buddy is a great idea. Sometimes you only show up because you know the other person is counting on you, but it’s oh so worth it! 🙂

  33. Top tips here and lunch walks are a fab idea. I find walking is the best form of fitness for me and losses weight and tones x

  34. Some really good tips here for people wanting to life a healthier lifestyle. Sometimes the smallest changes can often be the most beneficial. It’s all about trial and error and seeing what works for you as an individual

  35. Congrats on your weight loss, these are great tips! I’ve lost 40lbs in two years doing just low carb/keto and walking a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. It truly is a lifestyle change. I also use My Fitness Pal, I love that I can link my Fitbit to MFP as well. My mom and I just signed up to a gym and will be starting next week, I still have 20lbs to go to reach my end goal! I’m looking forward to reaching the maintenance phase!😊

  36. Congrats to you! Well done on your achievement. For me its always been about motivation. I can easily talk myself out of it. But lately, I have kept up with my own fitness journey for the past couple of months. Great tips and suggestions, so inspiring!

  37. Wahoo well done you, if thats what you want then go for it 😀 I lost 6 stone from winter 2016 to autumn 2017 and then maintained. I walk far more than I ever did which really helps my calorie burn xxx

  38. My weight swings about 5-10 odd. I hate that I can gain fast. It’s frustrating. I try to do a lot of your suggestions.

  39. That is awesome, well done! Thanks for the tips too, sometimes we need to be reminded it’s the simple small steps!

  40. I just loved getting to see your smiling face in your video. Beautiful you! Isn’t it amazing the difference little changes can have, not only with our weight, but also how we feel about ourselves. It was fun to hear all of your tips. Especially the one about walking over your lunch hour. When I worked in an office I did something similar. It gave me something to look forward to. I’d put on my headphones and listen to podcasts. Also, such a cool idea to remake the foods you love with veggies. I bet those with eggplant as a base, taste really good. Oh, and I couldn’ t help but smile at your comment about getting to tighten your bra. Yay! xx

  41. Congrats on the weight loss! I really need a kick up the backside. I want to lose about 3 stone! This post has given me some motivation to get started!

  42. Weight loss is definitely a struggle for me as it’s very difficult to change my lifestyle, not to mention my eating habits. I am aware of the changes that I need to make but keeping it consistent is a struggle for me.

  43. You have come up with great ideas for weight loss! I especially like the errands within walking distance, its too easy to jump in the car so that would really help getting a little extra exersize.

  44. I love eating but exercise and I are not friends. This has motivated me to find creative ways to stay in shape. Love the lunch walk idea

  45. Congratulations on your weight loss, you are doing such a great job and I like that you are motivating your reader to have similar results. I like the idea of going a walk after dinner, that sounds like a great way of burning calories off after you eat.

  46. Congrats on the weight loss. Those are great tips to keep moving. As a gym-rat myself, I am all about doing it the natural way. Eating in moderation and a healthy dose of exercise. Sometimes I just wish there were more hours in a day because I’m always rushing to get to the gym ha ha… (Hey rushing burns calories too ha ha)

  47. I totally agree! Fitness is a challenge. I’ve been working out for awhile now before I stopped. I have to go back tho!

  48. I’ve been bouncing on and off my workouts before and that was definitely killing my motivation. I think it’s really important to have the dedication that you have right now. It’s easy to lose your interest in working out and it can be a real struggle. Congrats on all that you’ve achieved and continue to be an inspiration to us all!

  49. You’ve done so well, it sounds like you have a really great plan and are sticking to it. I need to up my fitness game.

  50. Congratulations for taking the step and I’m glad it is now turning up to be part of your lifestyle for sure. Gym works surely help many and that was a nice move on your part. As well, walks can be so good, I must admit that I do that daily.

  51. This year I am all about the fitness and staying in shape, it was hard to start off with my consistency is key,

  52. I can afford to lose doubt he weight you did. I started a running program that’s called from couch to 5k. I am now on week three of nine!

  53. I use my fitness pal daily. It helps a ton. I also try to arrange my chores so I can walk as much as I can. But it is so worthy! Being fit makes life so much easier everywhere! I run I feel like I need to, I can dance all concert long without getting tired etc etc

  54. Around this time last year I became acquainted with the Moderation Movement, a community that espouses eating and movement as activities to be enjoyed with moderation and the freedom of making decisions and choices intuitively. It was at a time when I realized that every diet I have been on over the past 20 years has only resulted in a temporary weight loss because it was a temporary change of eating habits. I fully believe in making positive changes that will result in a healthy and pain free lifestyle rather than being fixated on achieving dietary targets that result in more stress than enjoyment.

  55. I love the fitness ideas here. I like the sound of lunch walks. That is a smart way to stay fit and healthy.

  56. I joined the gym this year and so far I am loving it! I’ve noticed it’s really improved my physical and mental health!

  57. These are great tips!! I’m with you on keeping track with MyFitnessPal. That’s definitely helped me stay accountable with my food intake.

  58. Great tips! I’ve always said that having a workout buddy will get you through the tough times. You just never know how much you’ve accomplished until you have someone who is holding you accountable to your goals.

  59. These are such fantastic tips! I recently ordered a fitness tracker and I just cant wait to track my activity and boost a more active life.

  60. Congratulations on your weight loss journey and for achieving your goal. Well, for me the hardest part is staying motivated and eating healthy but with your tips, I think I can do it in a better way. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  61. Awesome tips! I am all about having an accountability partner! I am trying to get back into the routine of working out 5 days a week!!

  62. Ah! This is one lifestyle change I need for sure! I need to get back into it – maybe having a buddy would help immensely. <3

  63. I have done several of those things. But I have had troubles keeping up with the gym. I much prefer doing things at home but it takes a lot of self discipline and space to do that. Plus I have a ton of other things pulling at my attention. I did to the myfitnesspal tracker of my calorie intake. But I have a fitbit now and am hoping to use it more often.

  64. Glad to hear you decided to see fitness as a lifestyle change. I have always believed we work out because we love our bodies, not because we are forced by society to look a certain way. I struggled with gaining weight since I was very little. I was “too skinny” and to me to gain 4-5 kilos (and keep them) was always an issue. Now I am all settled in and so happy.

    1. Absolutely. If one gets on this journey for the gratification of others, one has already started on the wrong note. You’ve got this!

  65. Congrats on your weightloss! I definetly agree that a lifestyle change is much more effective than a strict diet. Your tips about scheduling things in walking distance is genius!

  66. These are some really great tips for making sure that fitness is one of those things to incorporate in every day life. I really need to start again now that the weather is sure to warm up some.

  67. Weight loss has always been something that I have struggled with as well. My favorite task that you mentioned was having an accountability partner. This is such a great blog person post and definitely something we need to talk about. Thanks for sharing!!!

  68. Congrats on your weight loss. Since I don’t have a car, I move a lot over the day, that’s a big advantage. And I try to eat reasonably – but sometimes greed just takes over….

  69. You have done so amazingly well, congrats! I’ve never felt the need to lose weight, however I’ve got a feeling that may change in the coming months. That’s because I’m currently pregnant and I’ve got a feeling I’ve put on a bit of baby weight. So when the time is right, I would like to lose it. I’ll probably follow steps like you did to help.

  70. Funny because I am also a foodie! I love to eat but hate working out. At least you are honest. Thanks for the encouragement and push. Congrats!

  71. Its hard to diet and lose weight, exercise is the key with healthy eating . I definitely need to get some routine going to try and get fit and healthy .

  72. I really have to make fitness part of my lifestyle, rather than a chore. Great tips to help make it part of my life

  73. 18 lbs is a fantastic achievement! Kudos to your persistence! Another thing I recommend is incorporating body weight exercises for some weight training!

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