Food & Travel

Girls Trip: Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino, LA

The verdict is out. The ladies have spoken.

This video not only highlights our girls trip to Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino in Lake Charles, Louisiana with exclusive snaps and pictures, it also promotes, informs and inspires other women to take occasional and much needed girls trips.

Shout out to all the women that made this trip memorable and for partaking in this interview. I look forward to more girls trip with you all.

Finally, follow the lady that made this trip possible on Facebook and for details of other trips especially her upcoming trip to the Bahamas.

Interview Questionsย 

  1. Highlight of this trip 01:07
  2. How would you encourage others to take a girls trip? 13:33
  3. Would you do a girls trip again? 21:04
  4. Any advice to women whose lives revolves around husband and kids? 28:29


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  1. Girl trips are so important! We need time with other women! I’m so lucky I’ve had such trips in August 2017, December 2017 and January 2018.

  2. I love girl trips with my besties. We always have a great time. Thank you for sharing yours with us and recommending a new place to go.

  3. Oh my goodness! There is no other fun time like girls’ time out. As much as they are important and help to increase the friendship bond, such girl trips also help to appreciate women since you get to empower each other.

  4. Ha-ha! I smiled so much as soon as I opened this post! You girls look like you are having a blast! Female friendships are so important and it looks like you have some great friendships here! I hope you enjoyed every second.

  5. Im a little jealous that you all worked it out to get together for something big! Even for my own bachelorette party it was SO tough getting all of my girls together!! that’s some hard work and good planning- especially revolving around families. Y’all are so beautiful and so blessed to have one another!

    1. Planning can be that way especially with everyone living their lives but i am glad we were all able to make it work!

  6. Its been so long I have had a girls trip with my bffs. This looks so fun and relaxing! I miss my friends seeing all these cool pictures.!!

  7. I love me a good girls trip! I’ve been blessed to enjoy so many fantastic trips with my girls and I’m always looking forward to the next. It looks like you had an amazing time!

  8. I love that you take a ladies trip! I have found over the years, just how important it is to take time to refuel our souls. One of the ways I do that, is by spending time with my ladies!

  9. This looks like it was such a fun trip! Girls trips are needed and important. It is nice to take a break and just be with your girls.

  10. I want to go on a girl’s trip like this! How Fun! I would have thought to book in Louisana, thanks for sharing.

  11. Oh I love a girls trips! We recently had one with my old school friends but sadly nothing quite as exotic as this! You all look fab!

  12. So cool, I love a girls trip! It always refresh our soul and lots of laughs always together with the most honest talks!

  13. It’s really important to take that much needed break and the best way to spend it is with friends! I love that you guys had so much fun!

  14. Wow, I’m so much impressed by this girls only trip, being a mother to threenager, I feel I so much need this “girls only” break! You all had amazing time together.

  15. I really could do with a girls trip. It’s lovely to actually get to do this although I haven’t been able to in years. Maybe I should look into a short one this summer.

  16. Looks like you ladies had a wonderful time! In need of a girls day out with my friends. Hopefully this summer!

  17. This looks like an awesome trip! I would love to go on girl trips like this…perfect way to just take out time from mundane life.

  18. It’s been too long since I gotten to spent time with my friends. MY toddler needs me more now but I know I still have great friends!

  19. It must have been so nice to go away for a girly trip with your girlfriends. We should all do this at least once a year. It sounds so much fun.

  20. It looks like you have such a fun group of friends!! And what a fab place. Kudos to you for taking the time to get together. ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. I love girls trips!! However, I definitely think you have to have the right group together and not TOO many LOL. My last girls trip there was a bit of drama and I think it was because the group was just too large and it became stressful, but I love girl time.

  22. looks like you girls had a blast ! looking at your happy faces make me miss girls trips! got to call my girlfriends and organize one

  23. What a lovely photo! I’d love a girls trip, it sounds amazing, I hope you had a lovely time!

  24. Thank you for capturing this trip this way and thank you for coming all the way from Chicago to be a part of this. Looking forward to future girls trips ๐Ÿ™‚

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