
PHAP Experience

This video highlights my two year experience in the Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). I would recommend you watch this if you’re interested in learning what to expect from the program. The upcoming application window is between Jan 2-8th 2018.

Here is the link to the informational page – https://www.cdc.gov/phap/
Link to USAjobs – https://www.usajobs.gov

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  1. Since I’m living in Europe and we have a completely different system when it comes to health – actually it differs from country to country – unfortunately I cannot use your information in my personal life, but however find it very interesting how things can be run differently. However, it’s great that you are taking the time to share this information.

  2. Thank you for sharing the video. As Renata Green mentioned, the health system varies from country to country and since I am from a different country the information isn’t quite relavant for me. But it’s so nice of you to share this video and I will share it with anybody who might find it useful. 🙂

  3. Each and every state should have programs to take care of the people that live in their state. I am tired of insurance companies telling me when and if I can have something done. Should be up to my doctor.

  4. Thank you for sharing this information. I’m not looking to learn more about that particular program, but I’m sure it will be helpful to someone!

  5. I am always fascinated about how healthcare systems work in different countries, I feel like we are spoiled in the UK for sure.

  6. This is such an informative video. The PHAP program seems great for new graduates who are intersted in public health. I will try and let my readers know about this.

  7. Thank you for sharing your opinions on this program, I always find the health practices of different countries fascinating.

    Wishing you a wonderful Sunday.

  8. This looks like a great way to test things out like you said! Plus there is so much I could learn in a program like this. I’ve been thinking a lot recently about getting my masters and what I want to get it in!

  9. Thanks for sharing your experience in this video. I can’t say I am familiar with PHAP, and it sounds like a good program to be involved in.

  10. very interesting and informative. I had never heard of PHAP before this video. Health care is so complex, especially in the US I find it so hard to understand!

  11. This is a very informative video for anyone who wants to do this program or even wants to know how things work with the CDC. Glad you are sharing your personal experience on this.

  12. Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m not sure many people know about this and honestly don’t even know that they should seek information about the program. I certainly didn’t!

  13. This is such and informative video. There are so many people who are feeling overwhelmed about their health and health care options at this time. It’s good to be proactive.

  14. I wanted to first say, I loved your video. I just got enrolled in an MPH program. I don’t have any experience within the field, however, I was looking for a way to gain my experience. I will definitely keep my eye out for this PHAP opportunity that will open in 2019.

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