
Book Review: Instant Insight into MsDdah

In this video are my answers to the 15 Instant Insight questions.

Instant Insight by J. Lenora Bresler, J.D., SPHR, ASC, is one of my top 5 books I read last year that I will certainly recommend. This book single-handedly transformed and maximized my personal and professional relationships. It outlines 15 Questions the author guarantees will help you learn, motivate, persuade, coach, develop and relate/work with people on a personal and professional level.

Here are the 15 Questions. I’ll encourage you to answer them and also ask family, friends and coworkers as well. Enjoy!

1) What three words would you most like people to use to describe you?

2) What is the greatest compliment that has been or could be paid to you?

3) What is one misunderstanding people might have about you?

4) What is your prime working time?

5) What is your crunch time?

6) How do you learn best?

7) How do you like to be recognized?

8) Do you prefer to receive information in detail or summary?

9) Are you more creative in group brainstorming or individual reflection?

10) Are you more comfortable with structure or spontaneity?

11) In a close decision, will you be more persuaded by logic or relationship?

12) What is your pet peeve?

13) What would earn someone your enthusiastic support and loyalty?

14) What would cause you to dislike/disrespect someone so much you would end a relationship?

15) What has been your greatest learning experience?




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  1. I was one of those Msddah asked these questions. They were indeed insightful and awesome because it provided an indepth understanding into yourself and others.

  2. She asked me these questions and even though it seems like questions you should automatically know the answers to they were surprisingly hard . It forced me to self evaluate and come to know myself in a deeper way than I had before. It also gave me an insight into her as well

  3. I ask myself these questions everyday. I want to do great things and flourish, so a bit of self-reflection is great.

  4. She asked me these questions before, it gets you thinking and makes you reflect on yourself and an how others see you. I literally asked myself some of the questions in my head again and it made me search my inner self. Great exercise for self reflection

    1. Yayyyy, glad you feel that way Sade. I am also happy it got you to reflect at a later time. Hope it brought forth greatness. Xoxo

  5. Thanks a lot for recommending the book, these questions are self-examination, I found 13th the hardest one to answer.

    1. Hahaha, wow, that’s interesting. Perhaps this may help. When I come across people that have difficulty answering question #13, I probe further by asking them to think of qualities they like in family or friends and/or qualities they will like to see more in such people. Some of the popular responses I got were loyal, dependable and honest. Hope that helps 🙂

  6. Biola asked me these questions and they really made me think deeply in order to answer. The answers gave me an insight into myself that i didn’t quite know before. Thanks chic 🙂

    1. You’re so welcome love. I agree with everything you said and I will add that I found that we indeed have very similar responses and qualities. I also think it helped flourish our friendship even more. Thanks for indulging me babe and for your continued support. XOXO

  7. I haven’t thought about to answer #7 myself and it makes me to realize to question about me more these days. Sometimes I tend to move fast in life and forget to self reflect myself! Thanks for reminder!

    1. I think we all do that Soonjoo. Just remember to take a step back, take a moment, breathe, reflect, reevaluate and power on. You’ll be just fine 🙂

  8. I just love questions like these – not only do they help you self-reflect, they also inspire you to be a better version of you. Thanks for sharing (great vid, too!)

  9. These are very insightful questions that Rasheedat asked me that made me stop & really evaluate myself, my preferences, personality, etc. I love that they are timeless because as our experiences change & we adapt to new things in our lives, our answers may also change. Very good questions for introspection as well as getting to know someone else on a deeper level based on how they see themselves.

  10. I was thankful to be asked these questions as it made me think about the reasons I behave in a particular way. Introspection that I had never actually stopped to take. It was very useful for me to analyse my work and personal relationships and also helped me realise exactly what I want and don’t want in the future. I would recommend everyone up take about an hour or so to sit down and answer the questions. Really good for personal and professional growth.

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed the question. I agree and can relate with everything you’ve said as I had a similar experience after completing the questions and asking others. Thanks for stopping by girlfriend. Xoxo

  11. A great list of questions. They definitely make you really think! It’s sure worth the time to think about and answer them.

  12. Great questions.It makes you get to know yourself better.The questions really had me thinking because at first you think no one knows u better than you know yourself but u realize with these questions you really don’t.Definitel worth the time for personal growth.

  13. I should start answering questions like these about books I read, they really help you to think about what you’ve read. I’m trying to read a lot more this year as I usually only manage 2-3 books, aiming for 10 this year which I know is nothing to some!

    Ami xxx

  14. Self reflection is so important but yet, most of us get so caught up in our life that we simply don’t spend the time doing it. I really enjoyed these self reflection questions today. It really helped to center me. 🙂

  15. This is great, I think it’s so important to self reflect, you can learn so much from asking yourself this questions. I think I need to do the same.

  16. Thank you for sharing these 15 questions with me. I remember you asked me these questions months ago and I actually learned more about myself. I would like to answer them again in the near future to see if my answers change or stay the same, especially question #15.

    1. Glad you learned more about yourself. I think re-answering the questions at a later time is a wonderful idea. Thanks for stopping by my friend! Xoxo

  17. These are some great questions… You really have me thinking.. lol!
    Asking yourself things like this is a great way to reflect on yourself.

  18. I remember doing this with you; they are definitely great conversation starters. The questions seem easy and straightforward at first but they get you thinking. They would be good for like 5th (not 1st!) date conversations lol

  19. Some great questions to know yourself in a much better way. I’m sure I’m asking myself these questions and penning down answers from my heart. I’m sure some answers will be the ones, which I never really pondered upon.

  20. It was a pleasure going through these questions with you. First, it was an excellent way for each of us to get to know the other better. Some of the questions took me off guard at times; in retrospect, it was those questions that allowed me to truly reflect on my behaviors/experiences. Thank you for sharing with me and others!

    1. The pleasure was all mine lady and thank you for indulging me. Yes, I am glad you feel that way and the feeling is definitely mutual. Thank you for your insightful feedback. Xoxo

  21. Those are interesting and insightful questions! I would have to think about them to answer fully. Some of them remind me of the blog posts I’ve written before where I share 10 (20, 30) things about me that people might not know!

  22. This was very inspiring & eye opening to me! It really made me think deep inside myself & discover things about myself I didn’t know! I thank you for choosing me to ask those questions & enlighting me on myself!

  23. I was asked the series of questions as well. I really enjoyed digging deep to see answer what resonates with my “way of being”. I was able to acknowledge my strengths and weaknesses. Not only that, because I was so intrigued on what different personalities would say, I asked about 3 ppl the questions. I realized it’s best to do a one-on-one vs group questionnaire because I noticed the extra person would piggy back off the other’s response. It’s not designed to be that way but more so a self evaluation. It was a great exercise overall!

    1. I am so glad you actually tried these questions with 3 others and for your noting your observations asking in a group setting! Appreciate your feedback!

  24. Yes I’ve tried some of the questions with new people that could be potential friends and they were receptive to this questions. It helps to get a better understanding of ones character and some just didn’t like it, they find it too intrusive.
    It was a good exercise. Thanks

    1. Glad you enjoyed it lady! Keep trying it with friends as well as family; it does put perspective on relationships. Thanks for stopping by!

  25. These are excellent self-reflection questions! I have asked myself some of them before so they were easier to answer, but I need to spend some time thinking about others, including numbers 7, 13 and 15. Thanks!

  26. Sounds like a great book. Those are some great questions. I will have to ask my friends and family.

  27. I love these kind of questions. They’re so important for self reflection and knowing ourselves better. Thanks so much for sharing your review. It sounds like a fantastic book!

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