Fashion & Beauty


Ladies, there has been a secret I have been dying to let you in on. This is one of the best lifetime investments I made till date. Its the  GIGI Waxing kit. This is a product I invested in 2009 and it has been serving me well ever since.

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I purchased it at Sally’s but you can find it at Amazon. Did I hear you say Amazon Prime to the rescue? Absolutely, but before we get to that, I will be spilling more deets.

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There are many types of waxes to choose from depending on your color or scent preference. Listed below are some of my favorite.


  • Wax Warmer, 14 oz
  • Brazilian Body Hard Wax, 14 oz
  • Pre Epilation Oil, 2 oz
  • Post Wax Cooling Gel, 2 oz
  • 10 Petite Applicators
  • 10 Small Accu Edge Applicators 
  • 10 Large Accu Edge Applicators 
  • Brazilian Waxing Instructional DVD

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The kit is so easy to use.

  • Whenever I am ready to wax and after I plug in the warmer with the wax in it, I move the knob to H (hot) & it takes 15-20 minute to melt when its a new wax or  5-10 minutes to melt as the wax reduces and it is ready for use.
  • I take one of the wax sticks and apply it on the area of choice.
  • Then I take the cloth/roll, lay it on the area, rub for 30 sec to a min and then strip 🙂

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I received the All Purpose Honee hard wax with my purchase in 2009 and I am still using it. I recommend any of the All Purpose wax as they work on all part of the area without causing sensitivity.

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In Dec 2015, I purchases the Espresso All Purpose Honee Hard Wax and I am yet to open it as the current wax isn’t finished. It is comforting to know I have backup 🙂


  • Wax ONLY when you have time to kill. I wax on Saturday mornings.
  • Pre-waxing put some baby powder on to serve as a barrier between the wax & your skin.
  • Post-wax, I rub the area with alcohol based sprays. Victoria Secrets sprays are perfect!
  • Once you run out of waxing sticks, you can purchase Popsicle Sticks on Amazon.
  • I could never wax my public area. I am just not that bold …. lol. I prefer to use the Nair Hair Remover Lotion – Aloe and Lanolin  for all my downtown business 🙂


  • Its the exact kit used at salons & nail shops; they just conceal with foil. Yes, I looked.
  • Over time, hair starts to thin out which means less frequent waxing. I only wax every 2-3 months now because the hair doesn’t grow as fast and it isn’t coarse (bushy). #Goals
  • The previous point is why I don’t like using shaving cream on areas with heavy growth.
  • The wax consistency is great & it adheres to hairs well meaning you only have to strip once in that area.
  • It is easy to store without taking up too much space; I put mine in my towel closet.
  • This product is not messy at all plus you get to become a pro over time.
  • Finally, it saves a ton of money.


  • Eye brows cost $8-10
    • Annual Savings $120
    • Over 9 years, I saved $1,080
    • Projected life time savings (60 years) $7,200
  • Underarm waxing $15-25.
    • Annual savings $300
    • Over 9 years, I saved $2700
    • Projected lifetime savings (60 years) $18,000

Please note this analysis and projected lifetime savings is based on one individual. Now think of your sister(s), mother, friends, co-workers, neighbors, colleagues and now think of the money these businesses makes off you all by investing in this single product that only cost $42.48 on Amazon. Click here for link to purchase. Now you see why I said it is one of the best lifetime investments I have made? Yet, I only use this to shave my underarms, eyebrows and legs.

I would like to hear your thoughts on this product for those of you that have used it, seen it at salons and/or have heard about it. Is this something you would like to purchase? If yes, why haven’t you? What’s holding you back?

I event think this is an excellent gift idea. For those of us that love to stay under a $50 gift budget? We know ourselves and I think you girlfriends, colleagues or relatives will love it.

If you like to see a video showing how to use this, please share in the comment section and if more than 10 people state that, I will make a video and also give one as a gift to a lucky winner.

Until next time.





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  1. Thank you for this wonderful review. You have confirmed my suspicions on what the salons use! Tee-hee … I wonder if the have a version where the person who waxed is included. ☺️ Really appreciate you outlining the cost savings. 👍🏼 It makes so much sense to do it myself!

  2. Ah! The underarms would get me, too. It seems so sensitive there, but I love the idea of baby powder before waxing. Great tip!

  3. This looks like a wonderful kit! I’ve always been afraid to use wax, but it looks like it is becoming easy and less painful these days.

  4. I have this exact one at home and it’s the best thing ever! It makes home waxing super easy and convenient. 🙂

  5. Oh this looks really great, I like how it is the one used in salons that is a great selling point as i would trust it. I also love how you did a break down on the savings it could give.

  6. Oh I never knew that this brand has wax kits too . I will try it this time as my current wax kit is about to finish . Thanks for the suggestion.

  7. It is so nice to see that you have invested in this wax product for years woow! But I can get it, it is such a nice product. Anyway, the waxing tips come in handy for a fact. Waxing can take years so it really important to dedicate enough time for the activity.

  8. I had no idea that you could do this at home with a kit. Thanks for posting this informational post with all the information organized and laid out!

  9. I have had my GIGI waxing kit for a few years now and I have never had an issue with it. Even my esthetician friend has 2 of these for her business.

  10. This looks like a great product to invest in! Though I’ve never tried waxing by myself as I don’t have the courage to remove the roll by myself…lol! I totally agree with the savings and maybe it is a right time for me to take a plunge and prepare myself for it!

  11. This sounds great! I wish I could wax my legs at home, it would make life so much easier. I’ll have to save up for one of these kits.

  12. This sounds like a really fab product! Although it’s a tad pricey, there’s so much included! I wish I had the willpower to wax at home, I just cant make myself do it!

    1. When you think of the lifetime savings, I think it is quite affordable as I could spend more than that buying dinner for myself. Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Wow! That’s a huge savings! I had a neighbor a few years ago who had this kit and loved it. She did my eyebrows all the time. I really need to get one of these!

  14. I have never waxed at home I always go to the salon. I always wanted to try but get a bit nervous. This looks like a kit that would be simple love that is easy access at Sally’s

    1. Yes it is. I do notice things are on the high end at Sally’s but it is a grate way to checkout what you intend to purchase.

  15. This is one of my favorite thing I have purchased. I have been using it for last three years and it is worth every penny I spent. I use this to wax after every three to four weeks and it works as good as new.

  16. Isn’t it fantastic when you find a product that works really well for you. This isn’t something I could ever see myself trying though, I’m a bit old school. 🙂

  17. Thank you for the recommendation. Didn’t know there were all those aromatic options. And great advice using baby powder before waxing.

  18. I enjoyed reading your article, I’ve been thinking of buying this, but I’m still not sure if I will keep using it. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  19. Not sure if I could really trust myself to do a wax on myself haha! I am so clumsy. But I love the lavender one if I did

  20. Why have I been missing out on this? All those features and benefits you laid out got me sold. Easy on the budget, long term, it has everything. Thumbs up for this waxing kit!

  21. It would be great to see a video of it, I have never had waxing done since it just sounds painful and I am terrified of ripping my skin off.

  22. Omg I sooo wanna get Brazilian waxes but I am terrified also because they can be pricey. I love saving money and you just made me so intrigued!

    1. I got a Brazilian wax once and I told myself never again. Hahahaha… I am glad your are intrigued and hope you check this out to wax other areas though.

  23. The products look amazing, but for me, I have never waxed myself before. If it is as simple as it sounds, I might give it a try. I usually wax my eyebrows every 6 – 8 weeks. Could be worth it to try and save some coins.

    1. Yes, I think it will be helpful to invest and you can wax other areas yourself too. Plus the more you wax the thinner the hair grows in those areas which means less frequent waxing.

  24. I have actually had this kit and also highly recommend! Why pay someone else to do what we can do ourselves?!

  25. this is so funny because my mom had a spa and growing up i would try to wax my own legs and failed miserably burning myself and while it would save me a lot of money to do it myself, i can’t maybe i should give it a chance again.

  26. I’ve never tried waxing but it sounds like something I should really have a second thought about. I’ve always been scared to try it but your review is changing my mind.

  27. Oh this is great! Super convenient. Although I might be scared doing it myself…lol
    Xo, Sondra

  28. I have tried waxing myself. It took me hours!! I had to take breathers, drink some wine, watch some tv…anything to distract me from the pain, lol. But seeing those lifestime savings numbers… those are almost enough to make me want to try again!

  29. When reviews comes from first hand real user, we need to trust them. I am going to ask my wife to buy it for sure.

  30. I’ve never tried waxing because I’ve been told how it’s easy to get ingrown hair if you don’t wax properly. I opt for IPL instead. But given that you’ve been using for such a long time, I’m curious to know how it’s done!

  31. Great post! I had never heard of this product until now. Thank you for sharing your review. I will be sure to check it out!

  32. what a great kit! I have a waxing kit from when I studied as a beauty therapist, it’s so useful and easy to do when after a little practice.

  33. This sounds like a great product. Certainly sounds like a lot less maintenance than shaving and is nowhere near as expensive as going to the salon for a wax.

  34. I’ve always been a home waxer since studying beauty therapy 16 years ago could never imagine paying the prices they charge today

  35. Waxing is something I’ve done once (not including my eyebrows) and it was a very “out there” experience! But it definitely got the job done and i felt smoother, my arms felt so soft! This seems like something I should look into, I do enjoy saving money. Thanks for sharing.

  36. It does look like such a great thing. I can only imagine how much saving you would have if you could do something like this. I’ll have to show it to my girlfriend.

  37. It’s been a long time since I have used wax to remove hair. Your post is very useful and helpful with tips to wax. Thanks for a good review.

  38. Waxing is always a headache for me to think of the pain it combines with itself. But I think this GIGI Waxing kit is really helpful for a painless waxing. It is really nice product..

  39. I’m such a big sissy. I tried waxing a long time ago and nearly lost it. Perhaps the lady didn’t know what she was doing but it hurts like crazy, but still in the back of my mind I’ve got this thing that I’d love to try it again. My daughter does it all the time. Maybe I should get her one of these kits and she can show me how to scream silently 😀

  40. I have seen this around more than once around d social media and feel I would benefit from it greatly! I haven’t had the greatest experience with home kits but I’ll never know with this one if I don’t give it a shot!

  41. My wife does not like waxing. But she goes to parlor to get it done for my sake. Now, she will not need to go to Laura, the ill-tempered beautician in our locality. Thank you for exposing the truth that the pros use Gigi. .

  42. Wow. I did not know that Amazon would sell something like this which I would not mind having. I regularly get my eyebrows waxed. I wonder if I’d be able to pull off doing it myself.

  43. I should really look into this, I am so tired of shaving. Razors are expensive, it has to be done more often and I hate the risks of cuts and ingrown hairs. Maybe its time for a change!

  44. Waxing can be more convenient, but I haven’t been brave enough to try it myself. I’m such a coward when it comes to pain!

  45. I have always wanted to try waxing at home, but I haven’t worked up the courage, so I just go see my wax lady!

  46. I’m too nervous to wax myself! I have a brow girl that I trust so much that no one else has touched them in 5 years. I still shave my legs & underarms because I’m afraid to wax them myself. 😆 This sounds like a great option for those that prefer in home waxing.

  47. Not a fan of waxing but this is such a detailed and informative post! I’ve never heard of this product before, but I’d definitely love to see a video on it!

  48. A friend of mine have been talking waxing and I think this would really help her. Will surely be sharing this!

  49. This would be a great investment as I have very thick eyebrows. I would be nervous but its worth a try. Thanks for sharing your beauty scoop.

  50. This set is exactly what I need right now. I stopped going to waxing salon to save and buy everything in store but I lack a lot of stuff such as pre waxing oil and cooling gel which are very essential.

  51. This looks like a great waxing kit. I am terrified of doing it wrong so have yet to really think about getting a kit myself

  52. This Waxing kit looks really cool and interesting to try, I am planning to schedule my leg waxing in my favorite spa but I think its time to try it by myself. LOL!!

  53. This must be a life saver and money saver too! The kit looks great. I so want to try it on my own but I am too clumsy lol

  54. I would to have one of these kits at home. They are so handy and much more affordable than going out to do it.

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