

This video is a follow up video from my very first video “PHAP Experience”; link to video here . In this video I spoke about what I did after the program, my suggestions of what to do while in the program, how to secure a job with the CDC or other federal organizations and lastly, I answered some reoccurring questions from the comments section in the “PHAP Experience” video.

Here is the link to the informational page – https://www.cdc.gov/phap/

Link to USAjobs – https://www.usajobs.gov

♥ Subscribe Here► https://t.co/DnIvi7y2bL

___ Let’s connect/Chat

♥ My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/msddah4lyfe/

♥ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Msddah

♥ My SnapChat: Msddah4lyfe

Follow, like, and share. 😀

Until next time,

Msddah Xo.

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  1. Thank you for sharing all of these fantastic resources. I will definitely check all of these links out. I appreciate it.

  2. Follow through is always important especially with things like this. I hope people watch and learn from this.

  3. I’m a nurse and I’ve looked into working for Public Health, but I didn’t think it was the right fit for me. Congrats on getting through the program!

  4. Awesome video! I really enjoyed to know what you did after the program and your suggestions of what to do while in the program. Great that you answered questions from the comments section that kept reoccurring.

  5. Thanks for creating the video. I am sure that those taking this program will be enlightened and can make a better decision if this truly is for them.

  6. Thank you for your informative video. It was really helpful as I am a student and in need of a job. Will try the suggestions.

  7. It’s so heartening when training programmes have such great end results. Good to hear you’re already on your second position since you obtained your PHAP certificate. All the best for your career!

  8. Hey, this was really helpful. I learnt a lot regarding this program. Would love to see more such videos.

  9. This was really helpful. I have been wanting to gain employment with the CDC. Still, need to work on my resume, but this info helped a lot.

  10. I would love to work for the CDC in my current career field, but there are not any permanent positions. I don’t want to uproot myself for a short amount of time, but I know it would be a good thing for me to do.

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