
Interview with my Pastor: Emmanuel Adewale

What better way to celebrate Father’s Day than to introduce my spiritual father, confidant and friend, Pastor Emmanuel Adewale; Lead Pastor of RCCG Victory House Chicago.

Not only are we blessed to have our biological fathers, God decided to bless our church family with one of his entrusted shepherds. Leader, humble, stylish, articulate, helpful, innovative are some of the words I can think of to describe “Pastor E”, as we all fondly like to call him. Watch this interview and be blessed as God has blessed us through him.

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Our Church is at 4350 – 4352 W Parker Ave Chicago, Illinois 60639; we hope to see you soon.
Also, let me be the first to wish all fathers; biological, spiritual, adopted and/or fathers-to-be a Happy Father’s Day. God bless you and reward you richly for all you do in the lives of not only your children but in the lives of all connected to you. I celebrate you all today and always ❀

Until next time,



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  1. Oh such a nice article. I enjoyed reading more about your father. Happy Father’s day to him.. 😊

  2. Oh what a lovely video and I am loving your pastor. He looks like an amazing individual and if I lived close to Chicago…. I would so drop by and visit! Happy Father’s Day to all as well and thank you for sharing this wonderful post πŸ™‚ Enjoyed your interview with Pastor Emmanuel Adewale.

  3. Everyone should read this, such an inspiration to many, thank i for sharing this kind of article ❀️

  4. Oh he really seems like a nice man. It’s nice that you cherish him like a father. Happy Father’s day to him, God bless..

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